A large percentage of the maladies (defined as “1. A disease, a disorder, or an ailment.
2. An unwholesome condition”) that cause suffering and death in the modern world are not diseases in the normal sense. We don’t “catch” heart disease. Many of these maladies are better described as “conditions” rather than diseases, as “conditions” doesn’t as strongly imply something you would “catch”. Also, nowadays, since there are so many of us and communications is so good, it is relatively easy to find a number of people that display a similar set of symptoms, even though there is no “disease” attached. This is why there are so many “syndromes” and “disorders”. Many of these conditions and syndromes are nutritionally-related. Heart disease is a condition that has its roots in nutrition. I discuss sick building syndrome in the Other Conditions section. Many mental illnesses have their basis in nutrition, especially niacin deficiency. Please see the ADD section. A natural question to ask when thinking about one of these syndromes, especially if you or someone you know is suffering from one, is ‘How could this problem be nutritionally based?’. This could lead to a “cure” that does not require dangerous medication.
The biggest problem with the American diet is not what we eat, although there is plenty wrong with that, but what we DON’T eat, what is lacking from our diets that we need for optimum health. While all the stories you hear, and frankly most of the medical information, focuses on what in our diets is harmful, it is the lack of sufficient supplies of nutritional substances that is of the most harm. Vitamin C is on the top of this list. As an analogy concerning the deficiencies versus the excesses, consider a construction job site. Before the construction begins, materials are stacked up all over the place. Think of this as your diet. It is intuitively obvious that generally the construction will have a far better chance of perfect completion if some supplies are in excess rather than shortage. While this is an over generalization I think the foundation is solid (am I taking the construction thing too far?). Our bodies will have some ability to cope with nutritional excess while a shortage cannot be made up.
One other thing to keep in mind as you hear and read about diet, health and disease is the fact that almost everyone is suffering from sub-clinical scurvy. All the studies, all the trials, all the articles discussing all the latest information concerning all the diseases and conditions afflicting mankind are based on people who need to be getting much more vitamin C than they do! This has tremendously sweeping implications. This needs to be considered with everything you hear about health. If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, please visit the new page describing the Cforyourself Sinusitis Study.
Since Vitamin C is so basic to our body chemistry, there is actually very little that the proper amount won’t help. I refer you to an excellent book that discusses many of the conditions and diseases where Vitamin C plays a dramatic role, The Vitamin C Connection. To quote from THE VITAMIN C CONNECTION:
“There are more than ten thousand published scientific papers that make it quite clear that there is not one body process (such as what goes on inside cells or tissues) and not one disease or syndrome (from the common cold to leprosy) that is not influenced — directly or indirectly — by vitamin C.”
The BetterHealth website basically follows the conventional wisdom about nutrition, but they do have an outstanding group of “support” message boards tailored to specific ailments. You may wish to visit them. Also, a new site to visit for additional support concerning many conditions is
Specific Conditions and experiences are discussed in the following departments.
Click the individual section titles below to go to departments which discuss the nature of the conditions, how Vitamin C helps and case histories.
Specific Conditions

Everybody knows that vitamin C has little effect on the common cold or the flu. Fortunately, that’s just not true.

C, in sufficient doses, has been shown to cure most all infectious diseases. How about COVID-19?

Evidence is accumulating that Type 1 diabetes is linked to immune system function. Is C deficiency involved?

HIV and AIDS are infections that can be positively affected by the use of HDVC (High-dose Vitamin C).

"...failure to use this agent [vitamin c] in sufficient amounts in pregnancy borders on malpractice."